#SFFM (V0 VA FC MOD FS) #The Model Parameters Of an Single- Frequency Frequency Modulation #Name Meaning Units Default #VO Offset Voltage Volts None #VA Amplitude of Voltage Volts None #FC Carrier Frequency Hertz 1/ TSTOP #MOD Modulation Index 0 #FS Single Frequency Hertz 1/ TSTOP #VO and VA must be specified by the user and can be either voltage or currents. #TSTOP is the stop time during transient (.TRAN) analysis. The wave form is of the form by #V = VO + VA sin[(2Pifct)+M sin(2Pifst)] #Typical statements. #VO =0, #VA=1V, #fc=30MHz, #MOD=5, #fs=5KHz,the model statement is, V1 1 0 SFFM(0 1 20 2 5) .TRAN 1MS 1S .PROBE #With VO =1Mv and VA=2V, the model becomes #SFFM ( 1MV 2V 30MHZ 5 5KHZ )