EE 622 Digital Image Processing - Spring 2010-2011

  1. Mathematical Representation of Images.
  2. Image Enhancement.
  3. Image Restoration.
  4. Color Image Processing.
  5. Image Segmentation.
  6. Image Compression.

Digital images may come from various sources; medical imaging, satellite imagery, microscopic imager or digital photography, etc.
By definition, digital image processing is the manipulation of digital images by a digital computer. The processing covers extraction of information contained in the image, enhancement for specific application, segmentation (decomposition), compression (removing redundancy in representation), restoration, etc.
  1. Digital Image Processing. 2nd Edition. Gonzalez and Woods. 2002. Prentice Hall.
  2. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing. Anil K. Jain. 1989. Prentice Hall
  3. Digital Image Processing. Bernd Jahne. 2005. Springer-Verlag.

    Matlab Files:
  1. Application file - improcess.m
  2. Negative image - imneg.m
  3. Log transform - imlogtran.m
  4. Histogram of a gray image - histg.m
  5. Power law trasform - impowlaw.m
  6. Image bit planes imbitplanes.m
  7. Image thresholding (gray level slicing) - imthrsh.m
  8. Image gray level slicing - imgrayslice.m
  9. Image stretching - imstretch.m
  10. Stem plot without markers - stemnm.m
  11. True size image displaying - imshowg.m
  12. Information about an image - iminfo.m
  13. Image smoothing - imsmooth.m
  14. Image sharpening - imsharp.m
  15. Compression of dynamic range - imcmprss.m
  16. Spectrum - spectrum.m
  17. Spectrum - spectrum2.m
  18. Histogram equalization - histequal.m
  19. Histogram matching - histmatch.m
  20. Histogram specification - histspec.m
  21. RGB to YIQ color space conversion - rgb2yiq.m
  22. YIQ to RGB color space conversion - yiq2rgb.m
  23. RGB to HSI color space conversion - rgb2hsi.m
  24. HSI to RGB color space conversion - hsi2rgb.m
  25. Pseudocolor - pseudocolor.m
  26. Spatial domain process to shift DC value of the DFT - shftdctocnt.m