EE 622 Digital Image Processing - Spring 2010-2011
- Mathematical Representation of Images.
- Image Enhancement.
- Image Restoration.
- Color Image Processing.
- Image Segmentation.
- Image Compression.
Digital images may come from various sources; medical imaging, satellite imagery, microscopic imager or digital photography, etc.
By definition, digital image processing is the manipulation of digital images by a digital computer. The processing covers extraction of information contained in the image, enhancement for specific application, segmentation (decomposition), compression (removing redundancy in representation), restoration, etc.
- Digital Image
Processing. 2nd Edition. Gonzalez and Woods. 2002. Prentice Hall.
- Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing. Anil K. Jain. 1989.
Prentice Hall
- Digital Image Processing. Bernd Jahne. 2005. Springer-Verlag.
Matlab Files:
- Application file - improcess.m
- Negative image - imneg.m
- Log transform - imlogtran.m
- Histogram of a gray image - histg.m
- Power law trasform - impowlaw.m
- Image bit planes imbitplanes.m
- Image thresholding (gray level slicing) - imthrsh.m
- Image gray level slicing - imgrayslice.m
- Image stretching - imstretch.m
- Stem plot without markers - stemnm.m
- True size image displaying - imshowg.m
- Information about an image - iminfo.m
- Image smoothing - imsmooth.m
- Image sharpening - imsharp.m
- Compression of dynamic range - imcmprss.m
- Spectrum - spectrum.m
- Spectrum - spectrum2.m
- Histogram equalization - histequal.m
- Histogram matching - histmatch.m
- Histogram specification - histspec.m
- RGB to YIQ color space conversion - rgb2yiq.m
- YIQ to RGB color space conversion - yiq2rgb.m
- RGB to HSI color space conversion - rgb2hsi.m
- HSI to RGB color space conversion - hsi2rgb.m
- Pseudocolor - pseudocolor.m
- Spatial domain process to shift DC value of the DFT - shftdctocnt.m