
Analog to digital conversion: sampling, Nyquist rate, quantization, encoding. Basic discrete-time signals, periodic signals, energy and power signals, correlation. Linear time invariant discrete-time systems: convolution sum, properties of linear time invariant systems; stability, causality,invertibility. Linear time invariant systems characterized by constant coefficient linear difference equations. Solution of difference equations, impulse response. Finite impulse response, infinite impulse response. Fourier analysis: Fourier series of periodic signals, Fourier transform of a periodic signals. Discrete Fourier transform, discrete cosine transform, discrete sine transform. Fast Fourier transform. Fourier analysis of linear time invariant signals: frequency response of the system. z-transform: systems equation, relation of properties of linear time invariant systems and system equation. Tap-delay line filters. Filter types: low pass, high pass, band pass and stop band filters. Design of finite impulse response filters: Fourier series method, analog to digital conversion; bi-linear transform, frequency warping.
  1. Digital Signal Processing. John G. Proakis and Dimitris G. Manolakis. 2007. Pearson Prentice Hall (Primary textbook).
  2. Signals and Systems. Alan V. Oppenheim. 1997. Prentice Hall.
  3. Digital Signal Processing. Murat Kunt. 1986. Artech House
  4. Digital Signal Processing. A Computer-Based Approach. 1998. Sanjit K. Mitra.McGraw-Hill
  5. Discrete-Time Signal Processing, 3/E. 2010. Alan V. Oppenheim and. Ronald W. Schafer. Pearson Prentice Hall
  6. Mathematical Principles of Signal Processing. 2002. Pierre Bremaud. Springer-Verlag, New York

A good course web page for digital signal processing:

Evaluation and Grading

Students will have two midterm exams and a final exam. The exams will be written.
Grade = 0.25 x Midterm I + 0.25 x Midterm II + 0.5 x Final

Lecture Notes and Past Exam Questions

Lecture Notes
Past Exam Questions

Fall Semester 2011-2012

Final Grades

Fall Semester 2012-2013

Midterm Exam I Questions
Midterm Exam I Questions (EE 685)
Exam Grades

Computer Experiments

The computer experiments will be processed on the sound signal; bird.wav and the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal; ecg.txt (sampling frequency = 1000 Hz) and the black and wihite image; barbara.png. The computational environment is Matlab; use Matlab to do the excercices.
  1. Read and plot the sound and ECG file.
  2. Obtain the envelope of the sound signal with Hilbert transform.
  3. Find the energy spectrum of the sound and ECG signal.
  4. Segment the both signals using 50% overlaping windows.
  5. For each segment compute the average power (of both signals). Plot the power versus window (segment) index.
  6. For each segment compute the dominant frequency (of both signals). Plot the frequency versus window (segment) index.
  7. Locate R-peaks in the ECG signal.
  8. Read and display the image.
  9. Obtain negative of the image.
  10. Find difference of the image in both x and y direction to detect edges; convolve first rows (columns) with difference operator; [1, -1], and then convolve columns (rows) with the difference operator; [1; -1].
  11. Design a half band low pass FIR filter with order 11 by using Fourier series method. Use Hamming window for windowing.
  12. Generate signal; x(n) = cos(pi/8*n) + cos(7*pi/8*n).
  13. Using the designed low pass filter, filter x(n). What do you get?

Fall Semester 2013-2014

Midterm Exam Grades
Midterm Exam Questions and Answers

Computer Experiments

Basic Matlab programming exercices.
  1. EEE409COMPEXP1.m
  2. EEE409COMPEXP2.m

Fall Semester 2015-2016

Midterm/Final Exam and Pass Grades
Final Exam Questions and Answers

Fall Semester 2016-2017

Midterm Exam Questions
Midterm Exam Answers
Midterm Grades
Final Exam Questions