EEE 314/ EEES 330 Signals and Systems - Spring Semester 2018-2019

Signals and systems are encountered any time in our daily life. Signals are physical quantities such as the voltage, current, temperature, pressure, sound, image, electromagnetic wave, etc. Signals mainly depend on time, and mathematically they are functions of time. Systems are simply modeled as black boxes, which transform a signal (input) to another signal (output). An RC low pass filter, a common-emitter transistor amplifier, a television, a cell phone, a car, etc., are examples of systems. As you can see signals and systems cannot be separated and should be considered together.
Anybody has toyed with a device in his/her childhood or tried to open or fix a device using a screwdriver, pliers, cutter, etc., or opened hood of a car to investigate the machine. Similarly, in this course we will play with signals and systems to understand and learn and use tools for analyzing them; we are going to learn definitions and descriptions about signals and systems and mathematical methods to analyze and understand signals and systems.
Based on the above short description it is agreed that signals and systems are in the heart of electrical and electronics engineering.


  1. Introduction.
  2. Linear time invariant (LTI) systems.
  3. Fourier analysis.
  4. The Laplace transform.
  5. Filtering.
  6. Sampling.
  7. The z-transform


  1. Linear Systems and Signals. B. P. Lathi. 2005. Oxford University Press.
  2. Signals and Systems. Alan V. Oppenheim. 1997. Prentice Hall.

Grade Evaluation

Midterm Exam 1: 25 %
Midterm Exam 2: 25 %
Final Exam: 50%
Total: 100%

Attendance: 70% (If attendance is lower than 70% you get NA and your midterm and final exams will not be evaluated.)
Grading on a curve (bell curve) will not be used as a grade assessment method in this course. The grade assessment is absolute. Therefore, the students should expect basic questions, which measure whether you learned at least the required concepts in exams.


Grade Range Weight
AA 90-100 4.00
BA 85-89 3.50
BB 80-84 3.00
CB 75-79 2.50
CC 70-74 2.00
DC 60-69 1.50
DD 50-59 1.00
FD 30-49 0.50
FF 0-29 0.00

    Matlab Files:
  1. Application file - sigsys.m
  2. Example of transformation of independent variable - tiv.m
  3. Plot of impulse and step response of the system: d^(2)/dt^(2) y(t) + 2 d/dt y(t) + 5 y(t) = x(t) - impstepresp.m
  4. (Heaviside) Unit step - ustep.m
  5. Rectangle - rect.m
  6. Ramp - ramp.m
  7. Sawtooth - sawtooth.m
  8. Triangular - triang.m
  9. Exponential - expfun.m
  10. Sinc - sinc.m
  11. Hilbert transform of sinc - hsinc.m
  12. Damped sine - dmpsin.m
  13. Damped cosine - dmpcos.m
  14. A time limited function - funa.m
  15. A time limited function - funa.m

Spring Semester 2011-2012

2011-2012 spring term, midterm exam I questions and answers
2011-2012 spring term, midterm exam II questions and answers
2011-2012 spring term, final exam questions

Summer Semester 2011-2012

2011-2012 summer term, midterm exam questions and answers
2011-2012 summer term, final exam questions and answers

Spring Semester 2012-2013

2012-2013 spring term, midterm reset exam questions
2012-2013 spring term, midterm exam I questions
2012-2013 spring term, midterm exam II questions and answers
2012-2013 spring term, final exam questions and answers
2012-2013 spring semester exam results and pass grades

Summer Semester 2012-2013

Midterm exam questions
Midterm exam answers
Pass Grades

Spring Semester 2013-2014

2013-2013 spring term, midterm exam questions and answers
2012-2013 spring semester midterm exam results
Example Exam Questions
2013-2013 spring term, final exam questions
2013-2013 spring term, final exam answers
2013-2013 spring term, make-up exam questions

Spring Semester 2014-2015

2014-2015 spring semester exam results
2014-2015 spring semester midterm exam questions
2014-2015 spring semester midterm exam answers
2014-2015 spring semester final exam questions
2014-2015 spring semester final exam answers

Spring Semester 2015-2016

2015-2016 spring semester midterm exam questions
2015-2016 spring semester midterm exam answers
2015-2016 spring semester samle questions/excercises
2015-2016 spring semester final exam questions and answers

Spring Semester 2016-2017

2016-2017 spring semester midterm exam questions and answers
2016-2017 spring semester put-off (midterm) exam questionss
2016-2017 spring semester final exam questions

2016-2017 spring semester final exam answers

Spring Semester 2017-2018

Midterm exam questions and answers
Summary of Laplace transformation and samples questions

Spring Semester 2018-2019

Midterm exam questions
Midterm exam answers
Putoff (reset) exam questions
Short notes
Grades (raw) - EEE 314/Regular class
Grades (raw) - EEE 314/Evening class
Grades (increased) - EEE 314/Regular class
Grades (increased) - EEE 314/Evening class
Grades (raw) - EEE 330/Regular class
Grades (raw) - EEE 330/Evening class
Grades (increased) - EEE 330/Regular class
Grades (increased) - EEE 330/Evening class

Lecture Notes - Past Exam Questions

Lecture Notes
Past Exam Questions